Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Post, Yeahh!!

Is this where I am supposed to write " Hello World" or is that at Word Press? Ahh, who cares. Well anyways, Welcome to my blog, I really mean that. There are so many blogs and travel blogs out there today that If you choose to visit me, I really am thankful and can only hope you come visit again and again. This blog is dedicated to Austrian accommodations, and that includes Austrian hotels, Zimmer's,Pensions and holiday apartments. A special focus will be given on the Zimmer's, you know, those small family owned, sometimes on farm chalets or rooms to rent in the style of "Bead and breakfast". There are thousands of them, especially in the Alps but also near the lakes and actually all over Austria. Austria has some of the finest hotels in the world. They can be very classy and very expensive while serving 5 star accommodation and food as well. But what I like about Austria, is that even a "Zimmer" will give you its own 5 star service.

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog and hope you will participate in the form of remarks or feedback. You can always contact me by leaving a message. Tell me and the readers about your travel experiences in the Apls or in Austria in particular. I am also the owner of a Austrian hotels index web site so come visit at

Truly Yours,

Yuval Harari